Friday 2 August 2013

Ogopogo Sightings!

In 1926 a sighting is claimed to have occurred at an Okanagan Mission beach. This event was supposedly witnessed by about thirty cars of people who all claimed to have seen the same thing. In 1968 Art Folden filmed what is claimed to be footage of the alleged creature, showing a large wake moving across the water. A computer analysis of the footage concluded it was a solid, three-dimensional object. In 2011, a cell phone video captured two dark shapes in the water. A suggested explanation is that the video shows two logs.
An Ogopogo Sighting in Okanagan Lake.
Another Supposed Ogopogo Sighting.

The ''Ogopogo'' Mystery!

British cryptozoologist Karl Shuker has categorized the Ogopogo as a 'many hump' variety of lake monster, and suggested it may be a kind of primitive serpentine whale such as Basilosaurus. However, because the physical evidence for the beast is limited to unclear photographs and film, it has also been suggested that the sightings are misidentifications of common animals, such as otters, and inanimate objects, such as floating logs.
This is a reconstruction model of the Ogopogo.

What Is A Lake Monster ???

lake monster or loch monster is a purported form of fresh-water-dwelling megafauna appearing in mythologyrumor, or localfolklore, but whose existence lacks scientific support. A well-known example is the Loch Ness Monster. Lake monsters' depictions are often similar to some sea monsters. They are principally the subject of investigations by followers of the study of cryptozoology and folklore.